Research Quest #2: Graphic Project 1

English–Research Quest #2 movie


The impetus for my graphic grew out of a growing sense of responsibility to protect the environment through every, seemingly little, action and choice.  Secondly, when I was researching my paper I was drawn in by the power that consumers have with corporations. I have worked on both sides of the corporate line and find the consumer corporate relationship very interesting. Both the consumer and the corporation have great power for good and evil. My final motivation was when my daughter and I were visiting the Cincinnati Museum Center. I was appalled to learn how much we as consumers buy and waste on a weekly basis.  I have attached a picture of the actual grocery cart on display at the museum.

I am hoping my graphic falls heavy on the ethos concept side. Hopefully, the inherent idea of the graphic is represented in a clear and credible fashion. Pathos is utilized in words, music and sound effects. The logo’s of the graphic is if we will simply limit our consumption and embrace actions that sustain the environment we will preserve the environment. Lastly, the Kairos of the graphic is that it is an assigned project and due now…I write this in partial jest. In all seriousness the time to take action to protect the environment, by every choice and action, is now.

2 Responses to Research Quest #2: Graphic Project 1

  1. Lola says:

    This makes me reconsider my shopping

  2. pinskejm says:

    Thanks for reading!!

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